Friday 1 March 2013

Do a real painting?

Ok, cards on table time. I was hopeless at languages at school but my linguistic abilities far outshone my skills as a visual artist! In fact, the only time I dropped below a Grade B was art when I was given a C+ for attainment on the end of year report (for those of you who know me, you'll realise this devastated me!).

But I do love art - I love all sorts of art... I just struggle to do it myself!

Now, for my 50 things, I don't think it's practical to start hacking away at large lumps of rock and trying to produce a sculpture of some sort (has anyone else seen Tony Hancock's The Rebel?) and, as a vegetarian, I'm not about to start slicing animals up and mounting them in formaldehyde (whilst I like a fair bit of Damien Hirst's work I'm not convinced that his abuse of animals for profit (oh, sorry, ART) can really be justified so I think it best I consider doing a real painting.

I've never used oils or painted on a canvas (yes, I was that dreadful at school that it was only ever paper and watercolours for me) and the idea is quite daunting but to produce and painting that I could hang on a wall (albeit well away from anywhere where anyone might see it) is quite an exciting idea.

I do like a wide range of art - both traditional/figurative and abstract.

I'm not a fan of Constable and that whole biscuit tin school or art but I don't mind things that do actually represent something. I do love Rothko and, of course, the impressionists like Monet and Valette. I like some Lowry (though, having been to the Galleries in Salford recently, I did find some of his later work depressingly poor). I'm not going to try to paint in the style of Leonardo or Rembrandt - that would just be silly - but something more expressionistic, like Kandinsky or Miro has to be a possibility. My favourite artist has to be Turner but, again, I think that would be pushing my limited skills a bit too far to try to paint like he did. I also like Banksy...

Here are a few of my favourite painters and paintings:

Black on Maroon

Yes, I think painting a real painting has to be a good challenge for me to do.... the only problem is how much practise I might need!

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