Thursday 14 February 2013

50 things...

We've all seen those lists of 100 things to do before you die, etc. - I guess they get lumped in with bucket lists of the terminally ill. 

On April 1st 2013 I'll be 48 - it'll be just two years before I turn 50. 

I want to do 50 exciting and interesting things in the 104 weeks between my 48th and 50th birthday - 50 things I wouldn't normally do, things I've always wanted to do, things that push me to the edges of my limits...

At the moment, I'm not sure what my 50 things will be - I'm trying to come up with a list of things that are sufficiently interesting, diverse, achievable and, well, fun!

Please, please, please.... I'm open to suggestions as to things I can do over the next couple of years (particularly if you are able to help me any of them). 

Here are a few that I'm fairly sure will be in my final list: 

  1. Play Poohsticks on the Poohsticks Bridge 
  2. Watch a World Cup Final 
  3. Be an extra in a movie 
  4. Go for a flight in a hot air balloon 
  5. Help at a homeless shelter 
 ... but, as I say, I'm open to suggestions!

Maybe I should be seeking sponsorship for this? Raising money for charity? Maybe I shouldn't be trying to do anything so stupid at my age?

What do you think?

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